Why Ghana

Ghana has gone through a consistent extended growth period since the early 2000’s, driven by new discoveries, favourable global developments and large investment flows in the extractive industries. The subsequent slides depicts Ghana in numbers. This coupled with the recent transition to lower middle income status and inclusive nature of its growth resulted in a reduction in diminished inflow of external assistance and limited access to concessional borrowing, putting exceptional strain on its fiscal consolidation goal.

This indicates that there is a need for encouraging increased private sector’s participation in infrastructure development, markets creation and innovative solutions. The Ghana 2018 summit is an opportunity for a spotlight on investment opportunities in Ghana with the objective of promoting further private sector participation in key sectors of the Ghanaian and the wider West African economy.

Ghana By The Numbers

Ghana Highlights

GAs detailed in the GSDA II, these must be advocated:

• Improving private sector productivity and competitiveness domestically and globally

• Increasing the opportunities for private sector participation in socio-economic infrastructure development

• Developing a financial sector which is more efficient and responsive to private sector needs, expanding access to both domestic and international markets and opportunities for accelerated job creation.

• A better corporate governance culture among corporate entities in Ghana.